The bridge component

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Nightmare system

From what I have seen so far, nightmare is a very good natural based relay system. The most important principle related to this system is that one of the partners will most likely get in position to give a good description of his hand, so his partner will be able to evaluate the final contrat, without giving much information to the opponents.
Note that often is not important for both partners to have an exact description of the opposite hand in order to reach the final contract. Keeping the defence in dark is often an important asset.
Another interesting aspect is that one may have more then just 1 way to descirbe his hand, the difference beeing very subtle, it is future development that is different, allowing to choose who will be captain of the auction and also who will be declarer for the final contract.
The system is very agressive, using a weak NT, and also it does not have many invitational bids.
At first glance relay sequences are pretty complex, but I think there are common principles governing most of them.
Looks like a very good system, but not recomended for a pick-up partnership, might need some effort to learn and settle with.


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